
- Alexa
- Olivier
- Date: 10/31/2023
- Age: 22
- Height: 5'3
- Starting Weight: 128.2

Hi Alexa! I am humbled and excited to work with you! Thank you for trusting me with your nutritional goals! There are a few things I will ask of you:
1. Please do not distribute your meal plan. If someone is interested in a meal plan, please have them contact me.
2. Times next to your meals will be estimates, if you cannot follow the times exactly then that is okay just make sure to get as close as possible.
3. I’ve decided to give you different options for your meals; this will help you mix and match your foods, so you don’t get bored eating the same thing.
4. You will not be eating and drinking at the same time. This is unhealthy for digestion and makes it harder for your own enzymes to break down the food properly. Please make sure to drink liquids 45 minutes before you eat and 60 minutes after you eat your meal.
5. In this plan you will find specific brands of foods to buy. For example, not all salts, agaves, mustards, etc. are made the same so brand and quality are important when shopping for your food.
6. Organic and locally sourced is recommended for all fruits and vegetables. If you cannot buy organic and have to buy conventional that is understandable, please just make sure to wash and soak your produce properly. There are certain fruits and vegetables that should be organic no matter what please go to this link to view the 2023 fruits and vegetables list of the “Clean 15” and “Dirty Dozen” …
7. For Animal Protein It’s Recommended to follow these standards:
Free Ranged
Grass Fed
Grass Finish
Nitrate Free
Nitrite Free
Hormone Free
Free of Steroids
Vegetarian Diet
Not Corn Fed
Antibiotic Free Please look at the labels when shopping for your animal protein.
8. It’s not recommended to consume the following animal proteins:
Eggs or Egg Whites
Steak (is very taxing on the digestive system it takes about 80% of the digestive system to break down steak, this is taking into consideration that you have enzymes to break down the steak).
Exotic Meats = Ostrich, Alligator, Frogs, etc.
***(Ground Bison or Ground Beef are exceptions as long as they are grass fed and grass finished) ***
9. Pollution in our oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams is becoming prevalent and as a result heavy metals are contained in certain fish. I recommend consuming wild caught fish; it’s not recommended to consume farmed fish or seafood that are considered bottom feeders. They should completely be avoided.
Bottom feeders include:
• Squid/Octopus
• Crab
• Shrimp
• Lobster
• Mussels
• Clams
• Shark
• Crawfish
• Eel
• Tilapia
• Catfish
• Swai
• Flatfish
• Swordfish
***Consuming Raw or undercook Seafood like sushi is not recommended due to the increased risk of parasites, worms, and possible food poisoning.
9. Consuming dairy is not recommended and will not be in your meal plan.
10. Your meal plan will not include fried foods, processed foods, canned foods or frozen foods (except for frozen sweet peas that is an exception). If you cannot afford to buy all of your produce fresh, please buy your produce frozen. Canned produce is not recommended.
11. There are only two brands of bottled/glass water that I recommend drinking and they are listed in this order:
1. Evian Water
2. Mountain Valley Spring Water
The water we drink should match as closely to our blood pH as possible (7.29-7.4) and these two brands of water are within those ranges.
12. Do not hesitate to ask me questions, there is no such thing as a “stupid question” my goal is to help and educate you on how to make healthy nutritional lifestyle changes beyond this meal plan.
13. Below is your meal plan 🙂

11-1-23 to 12-1-23
Upon Arising:
1. Make sure to brush your teeth FIRST before drinking any liquids. This may sound silly, but the mouth is breeding with bacteria, toxins, and acids from being in a sleep state overnight and you don’t want to swallow the bacteria, toxins, or acids back down into your gut because that will affect your gut flora and good bacteria.
After brushing your teeth, please warm up 16-24 oz. of Evian water or Mountain Valley Spring Water. The water should be hotter than lukewarm but not boiling, please make sure to sip/drink all of the water before any solid foods are eaten.
*I know you work out in the mornings so the times for your meals will be estimates as long as you can eat as closely to these times as possible that’s what matters.
*For this meal plan you will be doing a beginner’s phase on carb cycling for the next four weeks. This means that on certain days you will have high carb days and low carb days. If for some reason you are experiencing low energy and fatigue on the low carb days, please communicate with me and we will incorporate more carbs for that day.
Meal 1 (9-9:30am) Monday-Sunday
1-2 Cups of fruit
*Please make sure to eat only one type of fruit at a time during this meal. This is called a mono-meal. You will choose one type of fruit to eat from the list below, try to rotate to a different fruit everyday so you are getting a variety. Below are the fruits to choose from:
Apples = Keep in mind that they are on the dirty dozen list, so please make sure to wash them thoroughly. They also must be peeled, and baked, they cannot be eaten raw. If you choose to have a baked apple, please bake the apple until it is soft.
Blueberries = They are on the dirty dozen list, so please make sure to wash them thoroughly.
Cherries = They are on the dirty dozen list, so please make sure to wash them thoroughly.
Grapes = They are on the dirty dozen list, so please make sure to wash them thoroughly.
Melons (Watermelon or Honeydew). Only one type of melon should be eaten for the fruit meal. If you tend to swell anywhere on your body, it is not recommended to eat melons because they can cause cellulitis.
Papaya = Make sure that the papaya is ripe before its consumed.
Strawberries = They are on the dirty dozen list, so please make sure to wash them thoroughly.
Meal 2 (12-12:30pm) Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays
This particular meal will not have any starches/carbs. For this meal you will be eating protein, two vegetables, and fat. Below are the measuring/portion sizes that I want for each group when you are eating this meal
Protein: Should be the size of the palm of your hand or 4 oz. in this meal.
Vegetable: 1 cup cooked (2 cups on the days you are eating two vegetables)
Fat: 1/2 Tablespoon to 1-2 Tablespoons (Depending on the fat used in these meals)
Below are the options for your proteins, choose one for this meal:
*** Fish can be steamed, smoked, baked, or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
***Red Meat or Poultry (Duck) can be cooked over on the stove top, baked, grilled (only if you are making burgers) or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
Mahi Mahi
Pacific Sardines
Black Cod/Sablefish
Rainbow Trout
Artic Char
Grass Fed Beef
Grass Fed Bison/Buffalo
Grass Fed Duck
Grass Fed Lamb
Below are the options for your vegetables, choose two for this meal:
Broccoli (Steamed or boiled w/o lid)
Beets (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Asparagus (Steamed or sauteed)
Sweet Peas (Fresh or Frozen, I will make an exception to buy frozen peas if you really want them and you can’t find them fresh as long as they are organic frozen sweet peas)
Brussel Sprouts (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or roasted but not burned)
Swiss Chard (Sauteed or steamed)
Green Beans (Steamed or sauteed)
Turnips (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Carrots (Steamed or sauteed)
Collard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Mustard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Zucchini (Steamed or sauteed)
Cauliflower (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or sauteed)
Below are the options for your fats, choose one for this meal:
Canola oil (canola oil is good many studies have been done in Canada and Europe that shows that Canola oil is one of the better oils to cook with) please only use this oil when cooking your food, this is not an oil that is meant to be consumed raw, poured on cooked food, or mixed in as a salad dressing. Canola oil does best when cooked in high heat. Also, a little goes a long way and make sure it’s pure canola oil and that it’s not mixed with any other types of oils or propellants. (No more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Olives (no more than two tablespoons per meal) These should not be consumed every day, only a couple of days a week.
Olive Oil (Please make sure this is a pure kind of Olive oil as some brands are not of pure quality. And a little goes a long way. (no more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Fatty Fish (Like Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Herring, etc.)
Meal 2 (12-12:30pm) Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, Sundays
This particular meal will contain a carb/starch. For this meal you will be eating protein, one vegetable, a carb/starch and fat. Below are the measuring/portion sizes that I want for each group when you are eating this meal:
Protein: Should be the size of the palm of your hand or 4 oz. in this meal.
Vegetable: 1 cup cooked (2 cups on the days you are eating two vegetables)
Fat: 1/2 Tablespoon to 1-2 Tablespoons (Depending on the fat used in these meals)
Carb/Starches: ½ cup cooked (You will be using the double burner method to cook your carbs/starches)
Below are the options for your proteins, choose one for this meal:
*** Fish can be steamed, smoked, baked, or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
***Red Meat or Poultry (Duck) can be cooked over on the stove top, baked, grilled (only if you are making burgers) or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
Mahi Mahi
Pacific Sardines
Black Cod/Sablefish
Rainbow Trout
Artic Char
Grass Fed Beef
Grass Fed Bison/Buffalo
Grass Fed Duck
Grass Fed Lamb
Below are the options for your vegetables, choose one for this meal:
Broccoli (Steamed or boiled w/o lid)
Beets (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Asparagus (Steamed or sauteed)
Sweet Peas (Fresh or Frozen, I will make an exception to buy frozen peas if you really want them and you can’t find them fresh as long as they are organic frozen sweet peas)
Brussel Sprouts (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or roasted but not burned)
Swiss Chard (Sauteed or steamed)
Green Beans (Steamed or sauteed)
Turnips (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Carrots (Steamed or sauteed)
Collard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Mustard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Zucchini (Steamed or sauteed)
Cauliflower (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or sauteed)
Below are the options for your fats, choose one for this meal:
Canola oil (canola oil is good many studies have been done in Canada and Europe that shows that Canola oil is one of the better oils to cook with) please only use this oil when cooking your food, this is not an oil that is meant to be consumed raw, poured on cooked food, or mixed in as a salad dressing. Canola oil does best when cooked in high heat. Also, a little goes a long way and make sure it’s pure canola oil and that it’s not mixed with any other types of oils or propellants. (No more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Olives (no more than two tablespoons per meal) These should not be consumed every day, only a couple of days a week.
Olive Oil (Please make sure this is a pure kind of Olive oil as some brands are not of pure quality. And a little goes a long way. (no more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Fatty Fish (Like Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Herring, etc.)
Below are the options for your carbs/starches, choose one for this meal:
Purple Sweet Potato
White Yam
Japanese Sweet Potato
Basmati White Rice
Sweet Potato
Quinoa (Does not need double burner method, just follow instructions on the box)
Barilla Angel Hair Pasta (In Navy Blue Box)
***You will be cooking starches using the double burner method; this method will take out the starch through high heat and evaporation and will allow your body and organs like the pancreas and liver to break down the starches properly. This process also helps to lessen the amount of starch that sludges and solidifies in your blood, making your blood dirty with recombinants and also creating poor circulation throughout the body.
Below are the instructions for the double burner method:
· Slice a white onion so you have anywhere from 10-20 rings on your cutting board. (If you are cooking potatoes, yams, or couscous you do not need the onion, the onion is for cooking basmati white rice only).
· Next, you will need two pots, one on each burner.
· Add distilled water to both pots and fill them both about halfway and then add 1/4 teaspoon of iodized salt into the water in both pots.
· Wash the basmati rice with cold tap water in a bowl. The water will become whitish and dirty pour the water out through a strainer.
· Transfer the washed rice into one of the pots containing water and iodized salt.
· Turn on the knob for both pots on medium heat. Remember that in one pot there is rice and in the other pot there is only water and iodized salt.
· After 45 minutes to an hour, the basmati rice will start to boil. Let it continue to boil for 3 more minutes so that most of the sugar that rice is releasing will turn the water into a foamy white liquid.
· Turn off the burner with the pot containing the rice; wear mittens and hold the two handles of the pot, lift the pot of rice from the stove and drain the white water from the rice into the sink while cold tap water is running over the rice (I recommend using a strainer just in case, so the rice doesn’t fall in the sink). Place the pot with the rice back on the burner and quickly pour the boiling water from the second pot into the first pot containing the rice.
· Next, add layers of onion to the rice. Cover the pot with a lid, lower the fire/heat a little bit and keep checking your rice until it is soft and done.
· Cooking starchy foods this way ensures that your system does not absorb all the starch to raise your blood glucose level.
· When cooking yams or potatoes, do not add the layers of onion. Just follow the same procedure minus the onion.
This is going to be considered a snack, nothing too big. You can also have your coffee during this time. The only thing is, if you choose to have your coffee during this time then it can only be three times a week and it can also only be on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays. Please make sure to make your coffee at home, and also to not have any syrup in the coffee. If you choose to have coffee, then you cannot have a snack at this time. You will have to choose one or the other.
After your consultation, we had agreed to not completely omit sugar from your diet, and that you were willing to cut down on your sugar intake during the week. For the next 30 days, you will choose three days during the week to have a sweet snack during this time. The sweet snack can only be on Mondays, Wednesdays, or Fridays only. I have provided links to six different recipes for sweet treats that you can prepare. Please choose only one recipe to eat as a snack.
No matter what the portion sizes are for the recipe you choose, I only want you to have an individual portion. An example of this would be if you decide to make the strawberry ice cream (that is included as one of your recipes) and the recipe makes four cups of the strawberry ice cream, please only consume ½ cup to no more than 1 cup for this snack.
On the days that you will not be having your sweet snack or coffee, I have provided links for four different savory snack recipes that you can have on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Please choose one of the recipes to have as a snack on one of these days.
Below are links to six different sweet recipes that you can choose from for this meal plan:
For this recipe, please sub in cherries for the pineapple.
For this recipe, please sub in light agave nectar for the maple syrup.
For this recipe, please use either canola oil or extra virgin olive oil, do not use coconut oil. Also, please use either ground ginger powder, allspice seasoning, or vanilla extract instead of cinnamon.
For this recipe, please do not use coconut oil, you will be making this recipe oil free and will just add in more tahini in replacement of the oil. Also, you will use light agave nectar instead of honey.
For this recipe, please omit the coarse black pepper.
Below are links to four different savory recipes that you can choose from for this meal plan:
For this recipe, please omit the garlic, use Himalayan salt instead of sea salt, and eat hummus with sliced veggies (carrots, celery, or snap peas, instead of chips, crackers, or bread). Using canned chickpeas is okay for this recipe.
For this recipe, please use olive oil instead of avocado oil, and please use Iodized salt instead of sea salt. Please consume in between 1-1 ½ cups of these beet chips.
For this recipe, please use canola or olive oil instead of avocado oil, and also please omit the garlic powder and use iodized salt instead of kosher salt for the spice blend.
For this recipe, please use canola or olive oil instead of avocado oil and please use iodized salt instead of sea salt. Please have in between 1-1 ½ cups of these parsnip fries.
Meal 3 (5-5:30pm) Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays, Sundays
For this meal you will be preparing your meals at home on these particular days. Out of the four days listed above for meal 3, Mondays and Fridays you will not be consuming any carbs/starches, and on Thursdays and Sundays you will have a carb/starch for this meal.
Below is the format you will follow on Mondays and Fridays for Meal 3:
Protein: Should be the size of the palm of your hand or 4 oz. in this meal.
Vegetable: 1 cup cooked (2 cups on the days you are eating two vegetables)
Fat: 1/2 Tablespoon to 1-2 Tablespoons (Depending on the fat used in these meals)
Below are the options for your proteins, choose one for this meal:
*** Fish can be steamed, smoked, baked, or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
***Red Meat or Poultry (Duck) can be cooked over on the stove top, baked, grilled (only if you are making burgers) or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
Mahi Mahi
Pacific Sardines
Black Cod/Sablefish
Rainbow Trout
Artic Char
Grass Fed Beef
Grass Fed Bison/Buffalo
Grass Fed Duck
Grass Fed Lamb
Below are the options for your vegetables, choose two for this meal:
Broccoli (Steamed or boiled w/o lid)
Beets (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Asparagus (Steamed or sauteed)
Sweet Peas (Fresh or Frozen, I will make an exception to buy frozen peas if you really want them and you can’t find them fresh as long as they are organic frozen sweet peas)
Brussel Sprouts (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or roasted but not burned)
Swiss Chard (Sauteed or steamed)
Green Beans (Steamed or sauteed)
Turnips (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Carrots (Steamed or sauteed)
Collard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Mustard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Zucchini (Steamed or sauteed)
Cauliflower (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or sauteed)
Below are the options for your fats, choose one for this meal:
Canola oil (canola oil is good many studies have been done in Canada and Europe that shows that Canola oil is one of the better oils to cook with) please only use this oil when cooking your food, this is not an oil that is meant to be consumed raw, poured on cooked food, or mixed in as a salad dressing. Canola oil does best when cooked in high heat. Also, a little goes a long way and make sure it’s pure canola oil and that it’s not mixed with any other types of oils or propellants. (No more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Olives (no more than two tablespoons per meal) These should not be consumed every day, only a couple of days a week.
Olive Oil (Please make sure this is a pure kind of Olive oil as some brands are not of pure quality. And a little goes a long way. (no more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Fatty Fish (Like Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Herring, etc.)
Below is the format you will follow on Thursdays and Sundays for Meal 3:
Protein: Should be the size of the palm of your hand or 4 oz. in this meal.
Vegetable: 1 cup cooked (2 cups on the days you are eating two vegetables)
Fat: 1/2 Tablespoon to 1-2 Tablespoons (Depending on the fat used in these meals)
Carb/Starches: ½ cup cooked (You will be using the double burner method to cook your carbs/starches)
Below are the options for your proteins, choose one for this meal:
*** Fish can be steamed, smoked, baked, or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
***Red Meat or Poultry (Duck) can be cooked over on the stove top, baked, grilled (only if you are making burgers) or cooked in the crock pot for 12 hours total (1 hour on high heat and 11 hours on low heat)
Mahi Mahi
Pacific Sardines
Black Cod/Sablefish
Rainbow Trout
Artic Char
Grass Fed Beef
Grass Fed Bison/Buffalo
Grass Fed Duck
Grass Fed Lamb
Below are the options for your vegetables, choose one for this meal:
Broccoli (Steamed or boiled w/o lid)
Beets (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Asparagus (Steamed or sauteed)
Sweet Peas (Fresh or Frozen, I will make an exception to buy frozen peas if you really want them and you can’t find them fresh as long as they are organic frozen sweet peas)
Brussel Sprouts (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or roasted but not burned)
Swiss Chard (Sauteed or steamed)
Green Beans (Steamed or sauteed)
Turnips (Boiled w/o lid or steamed)
Carrots (Steamed or sauteed)
Collard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Mustard Greens (Boiled w/o lid, steamed, or sauteed)
Zucchini (Steamed or sauteed)
Cauliflower (Steamed, boiled w/o lid, or sauteed)
Below are the options for your fats, choose one for this meal:
Canola oil (canola oil is good many studies have been done in Canada and Europe that shows that Canola oil is one of the better oils to cook with) please only use this oil when cooking your food, this is not an oil that is meant to be consumed raw, poured on cooked food, or mixed in as a salad dressing. Canola oil does best when cooked in high heat. Also, a little goes a long way and make sure it’s pure canola oil and that it’s not mixed with any other types of oils or propellants. (No more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Olives (no more than two tablespoons per meal) These should not be consumed every day, only a couple of days a week.
Olive Oil (Please make sure this is a pure kind of Olive oil as some brands are not of pure quality. And a little goes a long way. (no more than a ½-1 tablespoon in your skillet when cooking your food).
Fatty Fish (Like Salmon, Sardines, Trout, Herring, etc.)
Below are the options for your carbs/starches, choose one for this meal:
Purple Sweet Potato
White Yam
Japanese Sweet Potato
Basmati White Rice
Sweet Potato
Quinoa (Does not need double burner method, just follow instructions on the box)
Barilla Angel Hair Pasta (In Navy Blue Box)
Meal 3 (5-5:30pm) Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays
For this meal, you will be dining out (or grabbing to go) on these days. Below is a list of the approved restaurants where you can get your food from for this meal:
1. Sweetgreen Menu:
2. Longhorn Menu:
3. La Bamba Menu:
4. Lifetime Life Café Menu:
5. Christopher’s Kitchen Menu:
6. Bolay Menu:
7. Just Salad Menu:
8. Olive U Menu:
9. Yard House Menu:
10. Bonefish Grill Menu:
Snack (7-7:30pm OR 8-8:30pm)
Please only eat this snack if you are hungry, this snack is not necessary to have, and you are more than welcome to fast for the rest of the evening if you are not hungry.
This snack will be your choice of a protein (from the options above) and a light carb/starch.
*An example would be a 4 oz. piece of Wild Caught Salmon with a 1/3 cup of quinoa or a ½ cup of beet chips.


- Alexa
- Olivier
- Date: 10/31/2023
- Age: 22
- Height: 5'3
- Starting Weight: 128.2
Special Notes/Reminders:
- Do not drink with your meals. Drink water or any other liquids 45 minutes before meals or 60 minutes after meals. Drinking fluids while eating is taxing on the digestive system and this habit takes away your body’s natural enzymes that are used to break down your food while chewing, preventing or slowing down the digestion process.
- It is recommended to not use the microwave for cooking or re-heating your meals. Microwaves radiate your food; naturally denaturing the enzymes and amino acids that are in the food. Also, never stand in front of or near a microwave when it is on due to radiation coming from the microwave.
- It is important to use glass containers for storing food or for drinking liquids. A good quality BPA free container can also be used if it is truly BPA free, but glass is best.
- Animal proteins should be cooked thoroughly.
- Seasoning your foods with fresh or dried herbs is fine (cilantro, oregano, thyme, rosemary, etc.). Black pepper and cayenne pepper are fine as well. You can also use seasonings like smoked paprika, but please refrain from using garlic powder.
- Please cook with salt only, do not sprinkle salt on your food after it’s been cooked. I recommend Morton’s Iodized Salt to cook with because it contains iodine which is what the body needs to maintain a healthy thyroid. Only use it when cooking food, do not sprinkle the iodized salt on your food after it’s been cooked. Himalayan salt is fine too BUT should only be used in the recipes on this meal plan. If you are preparing your meals at home please use Iodized salt when cooking.
- Below are images of brands that I recommend to use (agave, salt, water, etc.)
Taken on: 10-30-23
Left: 10.5 in.
Right: 10.5 in.
Above Navel: 26.5 in.
Below Navel: 29.5 in.
Hips: 33 in.
Width: 21 in.
Left: 22 in.
Right: 22.5 in.
Left: 13 in.
Right: 13.5 in.
Neck: 13 in.
Shoulder Width: 22 in.